Dear CMC Community,
The Cambridge Music Consortium (CMC) is now open. I am sharing with you the improvements that I have made to the space to maximize the safety, comfort, and confidence of the CMC community.
Some very extensive and positive changes have been made to make CMC lesson- ready. Also attached are the Covid-19 guidelines for using the space based on the MA Covid-19 control plan safety standards.
Upgrades to infrastructure at CMC include:
Each room now has an air purifier, which will continuously clean the air with carbon HEPA filters.
HVAC upgrades to air intake filtering.
HVAC upgraded with UVC antibacterial air purification system.
Furniture has been moved (and removed) to make social distancing easier.
Six-foot distancing markers in all rooms to make social distancing easier for you and your students.
Physical barriers for vocal and wind instrument lessons.
Disinfectant spray (medical grade) is available in each room for disinfecting before and after each lesson.
Paper towel dispensers are available in all rooms.
Touchless soap dispensers.
Touchless trash cans.
One-way entry and exit into and from CMC.
Signage throughout reminding of social distancing and handwashing.
Increased cleaning.
Additional music stands
Toilet seat covers
All of us that make up the CMC community want CMC to come back to its thriving state in which we left it. It will take some time, but it will come back with a combination of ingenuity, safety measures, in person teaching, online teaching, cooperation, and patience. Our collective ability to pivot, show resilience, and be inventive and creative with new types of instruction at this time is a credit to everyone teaching and learning at CMC.
With best wishes,
Clayton Hoener
Studio Spaces, LLC